How to Add AutoNumber Field MS Access

 In Microsoft Access, an AutoNumber field is a data type used to automatically generate a unique numeric value for each record in a table. The AutoNumber data type is often used as the primary key for a table.

To create an AutoNumber field in Access, follow these steps:

  1. Open the table in Design View.
  2. Choose the field where you want to add the AutoNumber data type.
  3. In the "Data Type" column, select "AutoNumber".
  4. Access will automatically assign a field name and data type to the AutoNumber field.
  5. Save the table.

Once you have created an AutoNumber field, Access will automatically assign a unique, sequential numeric value to each new record that is added to the table. You can also set the starting value for the AutoNumber field and configure other properties, such as whether to increment the value by a specific amount or whether to allow duplicates.

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